What You'll Accomplish

  • PLAN

    Dive into your goals with mind-mapping. Map out your goals and create a quarterly marketing plan to guide your content creation and marketing.


    Explore fastrack content creation strategies like batching to help you produce content efficiently and effectively.

  • POST

    Understand the power and freedom of scheduling your content and discover the tools to create consistency in your marketing.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Are You Ready for Master Your Marketing?

    • What is Your Marketing Content Creator Type?

    • Find Your Marketing Content Creator Type

    • Results of What is Your Marketing Content Creator Type and discover if Plan, Produce, Post Right for You?

  • 2

    Welcome to Master Your Marketing - Plan, Produce, Post!

    • How to use this course

    • What You Will Learn

    • Before We Get Started

    • Course Syllabus

  • 3

    PLAN: Building an Annual Marketing Plan

    • The Pre-Work

    • Annual Marketing Plan - Pre-Work

    • The Why

    • The What

    • The How

    • Test your learning

  • 4

    PRODUCE: Creating Your Marketing Content

    • The Why

    • The What

    • The How

    • Test your learning

    • Access the Template - BE SURE TO MAKE A COPY BEFORE EDITING

  • 5

    POST: Scheduling Your Marketing Content

    • The Why

    • The What

    • The How

    • Test your learning

  • 6

    Next Steps...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Invest in Yourself

This course has training, template, and tools that fastrack your content creation so that you can PLAN, PRODUCE and POST, content faster and spend more time profiting from your hustle.

Ready to Master Your Marketing?

Let's Do It!